Interview Question for Database

Updated: October 12, 2024


DB Interview Questions

Anybody interested in a career in software development or data administration in the modern digital environment has to understand database management systems (DBMS). DBMS plays a crucial role in storing, organizing, and managing data efficiently. By going over important DBMS topics, this compilation of interview questions and answers attempts to assist candidates in getting ready for interviews. From data integrity and security to indexing and performance tuning, these questions provide a solid foundation for understanding how databases work. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, this guide will help you build confidence and improve your knowledge for your upcoming interviews.

dbms interview questions

Database Design & Modeling

Database design and modelling are critical for creating well-structured databases that efficiently store and retrieve data. It involves defining the entities (like customers, and orders), their attributes, and the relationships between them. A strong design ensures data integrity, avoids redundancy, and improves database performance. This stage is foundational for building scalable and reliable systems.


What are the key steps in database design?

The key steps include understanding the requirements, creating an ER diagram, designing the schema (tables, fields), and defining relationships. After designing, you normalize the data to avoid redundancy and ensure consistency.

What is an ER diagram, and how is it used in database modeling?

An ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram is a visual representation of the database structure. It shows entities (like tables), their attributes (columns), and relationships (how tables connect), helping in designing the database efficiently.

How do you define entities and attributes in database modeling?

In a database, entities stand in for actual things or ideas (such as “Customer” or “Order”). “Customer Name” and “Order Date” are examples of attributes, which are characteristics of entities that describe specifics about those entities.

What distinguishes a physical database architecture from a logical one?

Logical design focuses on what the data is and how it’s related, using diagrams and tables. Physical design focuses on how the data is stored in the database (e.g., file storage, indexes) for efficient access.

How do you handle many-to-many relationships in database design?

A junction table handles many-to-many relationships. This table links two tables by holding foreign keys from both, creating a relationship between them without data duplication.

What benefits does normalization offer for database design?

Normalization reduces data duplication and ensures data consistency. It organizes the database into smaller, related tables, which makes it easier to maintain and reduces the chance of errors.

What is denormalization, and when should it be used in design?

Denormalization is combining related tables into one to improve query performance. It’s used when the database has too many joins, which can slow down queries, but it may introduce some data redundancy.

How do foreign keys help maintain referential integrity in database models?

The validity of values in one table must match those in another, and this is ensured by a foreign key. This helps maintain referential integrity, meaning related data across tables stays consistent and accurate.

What part do data limitations play in the design of databases?

Constraints (like Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique, and Check) enforce rules on data in a table, ensuring the data is valid. They help prevent invalid or duplicate data from being inserted.

How do indexing and partitioning affect database performance?

While partitioning breaks up enormous tables into smaller, more manageable sections, indexing creates pointers to data, which speeds up data retrieval. Both techniques improve the performance of large databases during searches.

SQL Queries & Optimization

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language for managing and altering databases. It assists users in performing many jobs, such as retrieving data, editing records, and maintaining database architecture. Optimization techniques help enhance query performance, making data retrieval faster and more efficient. Understanding SQL commands and optimization strategies is essential for effective database management.

sql queries


What are the basic SQL commands used for data manipulation?

SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are the fundamental SQL commands for manipulating data. They are used to get data, add new records, update existing records, and remove records. These commands allow users to perform essential operations on database tables.

How does an SQL JOIN work, and what are its types?

Rows from two or more tables are combined using an SQL JOIN based on a relevant column. The primary JOIN kinds are:

  • INNER JOIN:  An inner join returns only matching rows from both tables.
  • LEFT JOIN: A left-join returns all rows from the left table along with any matching rows from the right table. 
  • RIGHT JOIN: Returns all matching rows from the right table and all matching rows from the left table.
  • FULL JOIN: When there is a match in either table, it returns all rows.
What is query optimization in SQL?

Query optimization involves improving the performance of SQL queries to ensure they execute faster. This includes analyzing the query structure, using appropriate indexes, and minimizing data retrieval by filtering unnecessary rows.

How can you improve query performance using indexing?

Indexing improves query performance by creating a quick lookup for data retrieval. When a query searches for specific values, the database can use the index instead of scanning the entire table, which speeds up data access significantly.

Difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses?

Whereas the HAVING clause filters records after grouping, the WHERE clause filters records before to grouping. This means you can use WHERE to limit the data being processed and HAVING to limit the results of aggregate functions.

What is a subquery, and how is it different from a join?
  • Subquery: A subquery is a query (or question) inside another query. It lets you get data based on results from the first query. For example, you might want to find all customers who made purchases over a certain amount, and you’d use a subquery to first find those amounts.
  • Join: A join, on the other hand, combines data from two or more tables based on a related column. For instance, you might join a table of customers with a table of their orders to see which orders each customer made.
How can big SQL queries be optimized for speedier execution?

You can: optimize complex SQL queries

  • Use indexes on columns frequently searched or joined.
  • Limit the number of rows returned using WHERE clauses.
  • Avoid SELECT and specify only the needed columns.
  • Break complex queries into simpler parts when possible.
What distinguishes UNION from UNION ALL in SQL?

Duplicate rows are eliminated, and the results of two or more SELECT queries are combined using UNION. The results are combined using UNION ALL, which includes all duplicates. For unique results, use UNION; for whole datasets without filtering, use UNION ALL.

How do views improve query efficiency?

Views are virtual tables created by SQL queries that simplify complex queries for users. They can enhance efficiency by storing complex joins or aggregations, allowing users to retrieve results without rewriting the underlying SQL each time.

What is a query execution plan, and how do you analyze it?

A query execution plan is a detailed outline that shows how a database will execute a specific query to retrieve results. It specifies the database’s steps, including which tables to access, how to filter the data, and how to join the tables.

To analyze a query execution plan, you look at the plan to see if any steps might take a long time or use too many resources. You want to check for things like:

  • Slow operations: Some steps might be slower than others.
  • Indexes: These help speed up searches. If there are none, the query might be slow.
  • Table scans: This is called a table scan, which refers to the database scanning every row in a table, which can lead to inefficiency.

Database Normalization & Denormalization

Database Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce duplication and make it more efficient. It breaks down large tables into smaller, related tables so that the same data isn’t stored in multiple places. This improves consistency and helps prevent errors.

Denormalization, on the other hand, is when we combine these smaller tables back into larger ones to make data retrieval faster. While this increases duplication, it can speed up queries in certain cases, especially when performance is more important than reducing redundancy.

In short, normalization is about organizing data neatly, while denormalization is about making it quicker to access, even if that means some data is repeated.


What are the common challenges in achieving database normalization?

Common challenges include identifying the correct dependencies among data, managing complex relationships, and balancing the need for normalization with performance considerations. Over-normalization can lead to excessive joins and slower query performance.

What is the relationship between normalization and redundancy?

Normalization aims to reduce redundancy by organizing data into related tables. By eliminating duplicate data, normalization ensures that updates, deletions, and insertions maintain data consistency across the database.

How does denormalization affect database performance?

Denormalization can improve read performance by speeding up data retrieval through fewer joins required in queries. However, it may also lead to increased data redundancy, which can complicate data updates and maintenance.

What is denormalization, and when should it be applied?

To increase query efficiency, normalized data can be combined into larger tables through a process called denormalization. It should be applied when read operations are frequent and the cost of joining multiple tables outweighs the benefits of maintaining a fully normalized structure.

How does normalization help in improving database design?

Normalization improves database design by organizing data into structured tables that minimize redundancy. This leads to less data duplication, easier maintenance, and more efficient data retrieval, ultimately enhancing overall database performance.

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF): What is?

A more advanced variant of 3NF called BCNF deals with specific abnormalities that 3NF does not cover. It requires that the left side of every functional dependency be a superkey. This further reduces redundancy and ensures better data integrity.

What are the advantages of the Third Normal Form (3NF)?

The advantages of 3NF include reduced data redundancy and improved data integrity. 3NF helps preserve consistency and streamlines data management by making sure that non-key attributes don’t depend on other non-key attributes.

How does the Second Normal Form (2NF) differ from 1NF?

Second Normal Form (2NF) differs from First Normal Form (1NF) by not only requiring that a table has atomic values and no repeating groups but also ensuring that all non-key attributes are fully dependent on the entire primary key. In contrast, 1NF does not address partial dependencies, which can lead to data redundancy.

What are the different normal forms in database normalization?

In database normalization, different “normal forms” are rules that help organize data in a structured way. Here are the main normal forms:

  • First Normal Form (1NF): Each table has unique data in each cell, with no repeating groups or multiple values in a single cell. Every piece of information should be atomic, meaning it can’t be broken down further.
  • Second Normal Form (2NF): To be in 2NF, the table must first meet the rules of 1NF. Additionally, every non-key column must be fully dependent on the primary key, meaning no partial dependency on just part of the primary key.
  • Third Normal Form (3NF): In 3NF, the table must already meet 2NF requirements. Also, non-key columns should not depend on other non-key columns. Every piece of data should depend only on the primary key.
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF): BCNF is a stricter version of 3NF. It ensures that for every functional dependency, the left side of the dependency is a super key (a unique identifier of the table).

Each normal form builds on the previous one, aiming to create a well-structured database that minimizes data duplication and potential inconsistencies.

What does the First Normal Form (1NF) work?

A database table is guaranteed to be arranged in First Normal Form (1NF) if every column has a single value and no repeating groups of data. This means that every cell in the table should contain a single, indivisible piece of information and that every entry (row) in the table must be unique. Data gets more organized and simpler to handle without duplication when 1NF is followed.

Transactions and Concurrency Control

In a database, a transaction is a series of actions carried out as a single logical unit of work.  They ensure data integrity and consistency, especially when multiple users access the database simultaneously. Concurrency control is necessary to manage concurrent transactions without conflicts and guarantee that database operations are carried out in a way that preserves data accuracy. Understanding transactions and concurrency control helps in designing reliable and efficient database systems.


What are transactions in a DBMS?

Transactions in a DBMS are sequences of operations that perform a single logical task, such as transferring money or updating records. By ensuring that every transaction is correctly completed, they protect the integrity of the data.

What is the ACID property of transactions?

The ACID properties of transactions ensure that database operations are processed reliably. ACID stands for:

  • Atomicity: Atomicity in ACID ensures that a database transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit. This means either the entire transaction is completed successfully or none of it is, ensuring no partial updates occur.
  • Consistency: This guarantees that a transaction converts a valid database state into another. The data must continue to be correct and follow all guidelines and limitations.
  • Isolation: This means that transactions run independently of each other. Even if they occur at the same time, they won’t interfere with one another, so the results are as if they were processed one after the other.
  • Durability: Even in the event of a crash or power outage, the outcomes of a transaction are irreversibly stored in the database once it has been completed.

Together, these properties help maintain the integrity and reliability of the database during transactions.

How does the isolation level impact transaction performance?

The isolation level determines how transaction integrity is visible to other transactions. Higher isolation levels (like Serializable) reduce concurrency and may slow performance, while lower levels (like Read Uncommitted) allow more concurrency but can lead to issues like dirty reads.

What is a deadlock in DBMS, and how can it be prevented?

A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions block each other, each waiting for resources held by the other. It can be prevented by using techniques like timeout, resource ordering, or deadlock detection algorithms to resolve conflicts.

What is a two-phase commitment in transaction management?

A two-phase commit is a protocol used to ensure all participants in a distributed transaction either commit or rollback changes. The first phase involves preparing all participants, and the second phase involves either committing the transaction if all are ready or rolling back if any participant fails.

What is concurrency control—optimistic versus pessimistic?

Assuming that there are no conflicts, optimistic concurrency control permits transactions to move forward without locking resources. Conflicts are checked before committing. Pessimistic concurrency control locks resources for a transaction, preventing others from accessing them until the transaction is complete.

How do database locks work, and what are their types?

Database locks to control access to data during transactions. The main types are:

  • Shared Lock: Multiple transactions can read data using a shared lock, but they cannot change it.
  • Exclusive Lock: Only one transaction is able to read and alter data when there is an exclusive lock.
  • Intent Lock: Indicates a transaction that intends to acquire a lock on a lower-level resource.
What is the role of a transaction log in DBMS?

A transaction log records all transactions and their changes to the database. It is essential for recovery, allowing the system to restore the database to a consistent state in case of failure by replaying or undoing transactions.

What distinguishes a ROLLBACK operation from a COMMIT operation?

A COMMIT function finalizes and renders permanent all changes made during a transaction. A ROLLBACK method returns the database to its original state by rolling back every change made during the transaction.  

How can concurrency issues like dirty reads and phantom reads be handled?

Using appropriate isolation levels can handle concurrency issues. For example, setting the isolation level to Serializable prevents phantom reads, while Read Committed prevents dirty reads. Additionally, using locks can help manage concurrent access to data effectively.

Database Backup and Recovery

Database backup and recovery are crucial processes that ensure data integrity and availability in case of failures, accidental deletions, or disasters. Backups create copies of the database at specific points in time, allowing recovery to restore data to its previous state. Understanding the various backup types and recovery techniques helps organizations protect their valuable data and minimize downtime.


What are the different types of database backups?

The different types of database backups include:

  • Full Backup: A complete copy of the entire database.
  • Incremental Backup: Only backs up data that has changed since the last backup.
  • Differential Backup: Backs up all changes made since the last full backup.
  • Transaction Log Backup: Backs up the transaction log to capture all changes made to the database.
How does a full backup differ from an incremental backup?

A full backup copies the entire database, while an incremental backup only copies data that has changed since the last backup (full or incremental). Full backups take longer and require more storage, but incremental backups can save time and space.

What is a differential backup in DBMS?

Every modification made since the last complete backup is captured in a differential backup. Since only the most recent differential backup and the most recent complete backup are required to restore the database, this enables faster recovery than incremental backups.

How do you ensure database consistency after recovery?

To ensure database consistency after recovery, you should:

  • Use transaction logs to replay changes.
  • Validate the integrity of the data after restoration.
  • Perform consistency checks on the database to identify and fix any issues.
What are the best practices for scheduling backups?

Best practices for scheduling backups include:

  • Regularly scheduling full backups (e.g., weekly).
  • Performing incremental or differential backups daily.
  • Automating backup processes to ensure consistency.
  • Testing backups regularly to confirm they can be restored.
How does point-in-time recovery work in DBMS?

Point-in-time recovery allows you to restore the database to a specific moment by using a combination of the last full backup and transaction log backups. This is useful for recovering from accidental data loss or corruption.

What are the different types of recovery techniques?

Different recovery techniques include:

  • Crash Recovery: Automatically recovering from a sudden failure using logs.
  • Media Recovery: Restoring from backups due to hardware or media failures.
  • Point-in-Time Recovery: Restoring the database to a specific moment using backups and logs.
What is the role of checkpoints in database recovery?

Checkpoints are points in time when the database system saves a snapshot of the current state. They help reduce recovery time by minimizing the amount of log data that needs to be processed during recovery, as only changes made after the last checkpoint need to be applied.

How does database recovery work after a failure?

Database recovery involves restoring backups and applying any necessary transaction logs to bring the database back to a consistent state. The process typically involves identifying the last good backup and replaying the logs to recover changes made since that backup.

Why is transaction log backup important?

A transaction log backup is important because:

  • It captures all changes made to the database since the last backup.
  • Helps restore data in case of a failure, ensuring no data loss between full backups.
  • Allows point-in-time recovery, meaning you can restore the database to a specific moment.
  • Prevents the transaction log from growing excessively by clearing old entries after each backup.

Indexing and Performance Tuning

Indexing is a technique used in databases to speed up the retrieval of data by creating a data structure that improves access times. Proper indexing can significantly enhance query performance, making data operations more efficient. Performance tuning involves optimizing database configurations and queries to ensure that the database operates at its best, handling user requests effectively while minimizing resource usage.


What is a database management system index, and why is it important?

A data structure called an index in a database management system (DBMS) expedites the process of retrieving data from a database table. It is significant because it improves query performance overall by enabling the database to find and access the data quickly without having to search through the entire table.

Difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes?

In simple terms, here’s the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes:

Clustered Index:

  • It’s like the main phone book of a city.
  • The data is physically sorted and stored in the same order as the index.
  • There can only be one clustered index per table because the data can only be sorted one way.

Non-Clustered Index:

  • It’s like an index at the back of a book.
  • The index has pointers to the actual data, which is stored separately.
  • There can be many non-clustered indexes in a table because they don’t affect the physical order of the data.

In short:

  • Clustered index => Data is stored and sorted in the same way as the index.
  • Non-clustered index => The index is separate and points to the data.
How does indexing improve query performance?

Indexing improves query performance by providing quick access paths to data.  The index helps the database find the needed rows much more quickly than it could if it had to scan the entire table, which would cut down on how long it takes to execute a query.

What are the downsides of having too many indexes?

Because more indexes need to be updated whenever data changes, having too many indexes might result in higher storage requirements and slower writing operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE). It can also complicate maintenance and slow down performance for certain queries.

How does a hash index differ from a B-tree index?

A hash index uses a hash table to provide fast lookups for equality comparisons but is not suitable for range queries. A B-tree index, on the other hand, maintains a sorted structure, allowing for both equality and range queries. B-trees are generally more versatile and widely used in databases.

What is the role of partitioning in improving database performance?
  • Divide large tables into smaller parts: This makes it easier to manage and query huge amounts of data by splitting big tables into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Faster data retrieval: Queries can target specific partitions (sections) of data, reducing the time needed to search through the entire table.
  • Efficient storage: Frequently accessed data can be stored on faster storage systems, while less important data can be stored on slower, cheaper storage.
  • Better load balancing: Spreads out the data across multiple storage devices, which can improve system performance by balancing the load.
How does indexing affect insert, update, and delete operations?

Indexing can negatively impact insert, update, and delete operations because the database must maintain the indexes whenever data changes. This can lead to increased overhead and slower performance for these operations, especially if there are many indexes.

What are covering indexes, and how do they help in query optimization?

A covering index is an index that includes all the columns needed by a query. It helps in query optimization by allowing the database to retrieve all necessary data directly from the index, avoiding the need to access the actual table, which improves performance.

How do you analyze and improve database performance?

To analyze and improve database performance, you can use tools to monitor query execution times, identify slow queries, and analyze execution plans. Tuning queries, optimizing indexes, and adjusting database configurations can also help enhance performance.

What is the purpose of query execution plans in tuning?

Query execution plans provide a detailed breakdown of how a database engine executes a query. They help identify potential bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and the best execution strategy, allowing developers and DBAs to optimize queries for better performance.

Data Integrity and Security

Data Integrity and Security ensure that the data in a database is both accurate and protected.

Data Integrity means the information is correct, consistent, and reliable. It makes sure that the data is not changed in an unauthorized way and follows rules like no duplicate entries and valid relationships between tables. This keeps the data trustworthy and organized.

Data Security secures the data from unauthorized access or harm. It involves using passwords, encryption, and user permissions to ensure that only authorized people can view or change the data. This helps prevent data breaches or leaks.

Together, data integrity and security ensure that data is both correct and safe from misuse.

data security


What is data integrity in DBMS?

Data integrity in a DBMS refers to the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire lifecycle. It ensures that data is valid, reliable, and protected from unauthorized access or corruption, maintaining its quality and trustworthiness.

What is a check constraint, and how is it used in data validation?

It is a rule that limits the values that can be entered in a column. It is used in data validation to enforce specific criteria, such as ensuring that a value falls within a certain range or matches a particular format, enhancing data integrity.

How do constraints like primary key and foreign key maintain data integrity?

A primary key constraint ensures that each record is unique and not null, while a foreign key constraint enforces relationships between tables, ensuring that data referenced in one table exists in another. Together, they help maintain data accuracy and prevent inconsistencies.

What are the security risks associated with databases?

Security risks associated with databases include unauthorized access, SQL injection attacks, data breaches, insider threats, and inadequate backup and recovery procedures. These risks can compromise sensitive data and disrupt database operations.

How does encryption work in securing databases?

Encryption converts data into a coded format that authorized users can only read with the correct decryption key. It protects sensitive data at rest (stored data) and in transit (data being transmitted), ensuring confidentiality and preventing unauthorized access.

Difference between entity integrity and referential integrity?

Here’s the difference between entity integrity and referential integrity:

Entity Integrity:

  • Ensures that every record in a database table is unique and identifiable.
  • It’s like making sure every person has a unique ID number (like a passport or Social Security number).
  • In a database, each row (record) in a table must have a unique primary key, which cannot be empty (null).

Referential Integrity:

  • Ensures the relationships between tables are correct and consistent.
  • Think of it like a parent-child relationship. If the parent exists, the child can exist, but if the parent is removed, the child shouldn’t remain without a reference to it.
  • In a database, this means that a foreign key (a key in one table that points to another table) must always point to a valid record in the related table.
What are user roles and permissions in DBMS?

User roles define the level of access and permissions that users have within a database. Permissions determine what actions users can perform, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Properly managing roles and permissions helps control access and enhances security.

What is SQL injection, and how can it be prevented?

By inserting malicious code, SQL injection is a security flaw that enables attackers to alter SQL queries. It can be prevented by using parameterized queries, prepared statements, and input validation, ensuring that user input is safely handled and not executed as SQL code.

How do GRANT and REVOKE commands control access in a database?

The GRANT command provides specific permissions to users or roles, allowing them to perform particular actions on database objects. The REVOKE command removes previously granted permissions, helping to control and manage access effectively.

What is the role of auditing in database security?

Auditing involves tracking and logging database activities to monitor access and changes to data. It helps identify unauthorized access, detect anomalies, and ensure compliance with security policies, providing a record for forensic analysis if needed.

Conclusion about Database Interview Questions

Preparing for DBMS interview questions is a valuable step for anyone looking to excel in data management roles. By understanding key concepts such as data integrity, security, indexing, and performance tuning, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers. Remember, interviews not only test your technical knowledge but also your ability to explain complex ideas clearly. You can increase your confidence and success rate by going over these questions and answers. Keep learning and practicing, and you’ll be well-prepared for any DBMS interview that comes your way!

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